Commandments of Teaching AP Language and Composition-Part Two

This is the second half of a two-part series about teaching AP Language and Composition. You can check out the first part here. Good feedback is everything. I still struggle with this, as feedback simply takes time (who has that?!). Some of the best feedback ideas I’ve learned came from a Marzano workshop. The highlights: … Continue reading Commandments of Teaching AP Language and Composition-Part Two

Trash It or Stash It?

Giggles in the back corner. Whispers in the middle. A shifty glance. Knowing nods in the front.  No, my students are not plotting to mutiny (not today, at least).  "TRASH IT!" They chorus. A sticky note gets crumpled and tossed in the recycling bin on my desk. A few students scribble frantically in their notes.  … Continue reading Trash It or Stash It?